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323) 14-10-19 Python web application developer /Freelance

323) 14-10-19 Python web application developer /Freelance

Til vores kundes projekt søger vi 1-2 Python web application developer, herudover forventer vi, at du har stærke kompetencer indenfor softwareudvikling.

You should have proficiency/experience in the following areas:

  • The Python programming language/ecosystem
  • Test driven development (TDD)
  • Web programming and frameworks such as Django
  • Relational databases, preferably PostgreSQL
  • Continuous integration / deployment (CI/CD)
  • Cloud deployment with platform as a service such as Heroku
  • Enthusiastic about APIs,

Sted: Kbh.
Start: ASAP
Slut efter: 3-6 Mdr.

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og har du ikke hørt fra os inden for en uge kan du betragte muligheden som afsluttet.

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